About Us

Intramovies is an independent international distribution and production company.

Over the past fifty years, we have consistently supported creative producers and emerging directors, becoming a trusted partner in their artistic journeys.

The company actively seeks fresh talents, diverse genres, and compelling narratives capable of capturing audiences’ attention and sparking word of mouth. 

We are interested in presenting perspectives that diverge from the ordinary and we have a particular fondness for discovering new talents through debut and sophomore films.

Our current lineup features director-driven feature films of high artistic and production value. Films that reach international audiences and often participate in major international festivals.

In recent years, we have established ourselves as a reliable co-production partner within the broader European film industry landscape.

We proudly showcase an extensive catalogue that includes some of the most prestigious Italian classics by acclaimed auteurs such as Fellini, Antonioni, Visconti, Argento, Pasolini, De Sica and many others.

Intramovies continue to elevate and promote cinematic excellence, bridging the past and future of film.

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